A PNW native who has since traded in snowy days in the mountains, for sunny days at the beach in the beautiful location of Southern Florida.
I often get asked how I got into this industry, and to be honest, I was your typical GenZ girl who grew up in the era of digital cameras and webcams. Photos were always a part of my life, and I guess, always apart of what made me, me. I actually remember fighting with my Vice Principal in middle school, because they said no electronics were allowed at our graduation. I obviously disagreed and was adamant that cameras should be the exception to this rule. I mean, how else was 11 year old me going to remember this time? Eventually, after some back and forth, we saw eye to eye and I now have photos to remember that day.
Not much on my philosophy has changed since then. I am still as much of a firm believer that once in a lifetime moments deserve to be capture as well as the everyday moments that make up our life.
Some days you’ll find me in your home, others in the isle on your wedding day, or in the middle of the dance floor with your best clients and friends. I used to try and narrow down what I do, but realized quickly that isn’t me. I dabble in a bit of everything. If you’ve got something you need captured, there’s a good chance I’m your gal.